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Penetration testing services

Mobile Application Penetration Testing Service

Protect your app's security with TechMagic's in-depth analysis and mobile application penetration testing. From data gathering to vulnerability analysis, we adhere to the best industry standards and offer an approach tailored to each client.
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Conduct a Standards-Based Penetration Test to Strengthen Your Defense

We at TechMagic understand that adhering to security standards during mobile app pen testing is critical. We pay special attention to regulatory compliance, which helps us adhere to mobile app security standards and develop the most practical security breach prevention strategies.

OWASP Standard (MASVS): Security requirements for mobile applications in various domains, including storage, cryptography, authentication, networking, and cross-platform interoperability.

OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide (MSTG): a supplement to MASVS with practical guidance, best practices, and methodologies for conducting mobile application security testing.

Industry and local compliance regulations: GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, etc.

Checks based on the OWASP Mobile Top 10 list.

Conduct a Standards-Based Penetration Test to Strengthen Your Defense
Our Certificates

Vulnerabilities We Protect You From

Mobile applications are subject to various security risks. We specialize in early detection of vulnerabilities in your app using a proactive approach customized to your specific needs. Pentesting, in this case, plays a critical role in identifying mobile application vulnerabilities and mitigating risks. Here are just a few common mobile application vulnerabilities we can protect you from.

Insufficient input and output validation

The most common risks in this case are SQL injection, command injection, and cross-site scripting attacks. This can lead to unauthorized access, data manipulation, and system compromise. Attackers easily use such vulnerabilities to execute unauthorized code and disrupt the application's operation. Mobile app penetration testing reveals weak points in data processing. Our pentesters offer tailored solutions to mitigate this security risk, including strict input validation, output sanitization, context checks, and secure coding compliance.

Authentication/authorization vulnerabilities

Attackers exploit authentication and authorization vulnerabilities, typically through automated attacks. As a result, system destruction, information theft, and reputational damage occur. Mobile app penetration testing identifies and mitigates these vulnerabilities through real-world attack simulations, risk assessments, and remediation recommendations.

Insecure data storage

Attackers try to exploit defects such as weak encryption and mishandling of credentials. This leads to data leaks, compromised user accounts, and reputational damage. Pentesting helps identify these vulnerabilities and take remedial measures, including implementing robust encryption algorithms and secure storage mechanisms to protect sensitive data.

Insecure communication

When mobile apps transmit data over public networks, server systems are vulnerable to hackers. Inadequate security measures expose data to interception, enabling eavesdropping, data theft, etc. Mobile application penetration test helps identify vulnerabilities in data transfer protocols and encryption methods. Our mobile application penetration testers will recommend optimal mitigation strategies, including secure communication protocols and reliable encryption.

Insufficient сryptography

Inadequate encryption and insufficient cryptography are perfect vulnerabilities for those seeking to access sensitive data and information. This leads to data leaks, compromised user credentials, financial losses, and legal consequences. Regular security testing is critical to mitigating such risks. App penetration testing, in particular, can prevent an attack by identifying vulnerabilities in encryption algorithms, key management methods, and implementation flaws. Additionally, it helps ensure that secure transport layer protocols are appropriately implemented to protect encrypted data in transit.

Improper credential usage

Hard-coded credentials and their misuse pose significant security risks for both mobile and web application development. Attackers can easily detect these vulnerabilities using automated tools. In addition, they intercept insecurely transmitted credentials and extract stored credentials from devices. All this has severe consequences for the company as it concerns unauthorized access to sensitive data. Mobile app pentesting involves careful evaluation of the application's code base and configuration files for hard-coded credentials. Our specialists identify common and rare vulnerabilities in credential storage and transmission mechanisms. We convert the information we receive into recommendations for reliable credential management and secure coding practices.

Need more information on pen testing services?

Contact us to discuss all benefits of this security testing model for your specific business.

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Mobile App Penetration Testing Services We Offer

We offer comprehensive mobile app testing and pentesting services meticulously tailored to your needs. Our main task is to choose methodologies and manual testing techniques to ensure mobile applications' security and integrity on different platforms.

Static analysis
Static analysis

We examine application source code, binaries, and configurations for vulnerabilities without executing the application. This helps us further investigate and assess potential security risks in the codebase. Static analysis detects such vulnerabilities as

  • backdoors;

  • hard-coded credentials;

  • insecure coding techniques, etc.

Dynamic analysis
Dynamic analysis

In this case, our pentesters run your applications in a controlled environment to simulate real usage scenarios. It helps us to identify potential vulnerabilities that can arise precisely in the dynamics. Dynamic mobile app pen tests can include checking how different components of your application interact and whether there are vulnerabilities in the communication channels. We also monitor network traffic, analyze application behavior using debugging and reverse engineering techniques, check API interactions or data storage mechanisms, etc.

Manual checks
Manual checks

Manual checks are the basis of penetration testing, and mobile app security is no exception. Manual techniques allow security testers to detect threats and vulnerabilities that are invisible to automated tools. This flexible and adaptable approach provides a more comprehensive and in-depth assessment of the app security system. In addition, no one can simulate the actions of an actual cybercriminal better than a human. Our experts use their practical experience and knowledge to meticulously analyze every potential weakness of your application, even the least obvious, but no less critical.

Custom approach based on your needs
Custom approach based on your needs

Every mobile application penetration test is unique and has its own complexities, peculiarities, and requirements. That is why we use a comprehensive and customized approach to app penetration testing. We tailor our mobile security testing and pentesting services to each client's specific needs. Our pentesters carefully check the security of the entire mobile application, assessing the app's design and architecture, network communication, code configurations, etc., to ensure full security coverage. With TechMagic, you get planning flexibility, thorough reporting, and full support to ensure a smooth and efficient security improvement process.

Static analysis
Dynamic analysis
Manual checks
Custom approach based on your needs
Discover Our Featured Case
Conducting a pentest for a Danish 
software development company
Conducting a pentest for a Danish software development company

See how we helped Coach Solutions improve the security of their web application

Case study
Theis Kvist Kristensenicon

“TechMagic has great collaboration and teamwork. Also a good proactive approach to the task.Everything went as planned and on time.”

Theis Kvist Kristensen


Benefits of Mobile App Penetration Testing
Benefits of Mobile App Penetration Testing

Risk reduction

Professional mobile penetration testing helps protect data from hackers or other infected apps. An approach customized to your application's unique features helps reduce the risk of a security breach and its potential financial losses.


Compliance adherence

Regular penetration testing helps you meet industry security standards and regulations. We adapt our approach to your industry's specific requirements and best practices.


Cost saving

Detecting security system’s vulnerabilities at the early stages is an investment in preventive security measures. Penetration testing services are much more cost-effective than eliminating the consequences of security breaches and hacking.


Protection of sensitive user data

By its very nature, penetration testing is effective in preventing data breaches. It will help you identify the most vulnerable places and protect confidential user data.


Maintaining brand reputation and customer trust

Regular mobile app pen testing ensures the safety of each user. Adherence to security and data protection strengthens customer trust and brand reputation. From this point of view, preventive measures are much cheaper than negative publicity after a hack.


Improved resilience

Timely penetration testing enhances the resilience of IT teams by addressing security vulnerabilities at an early stage. It also helps identify and mitigate risks, significantly improving your preparedness for emerging threats.

Benefits of Mobile App Penetration Testing
Our Team
Ihor Sasovets

Ihor Sasovets

Lead Security Engineer

Ihor is a certified security specialist with experience in penetration testing, security testing automation, cloud and mobile security. OWASP API Security Top 10 (2019) contributor. OWASP member since 2018.

Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Ihor Sasovets
Victoria Shutenko

Victoria Shutenko

Security Engineer

Victoria is a certified security specialist with a background in penetration testing, security testing automation, AWS cloud. Eager for enhancing software security posture and AWS solutions.

Victoria Shutenko
Victoria Shutenko
Victoria Shutenko
Victoria Shutenko
Victoria Shutenko
Roman Kolodiy

Roman Kolodiy

Director of Cloud & Cybersecurity

Roman is an AWS Expert at TechMagic. Helps teams to improve system reliability, optimise testing efforts, speed up release cycles & build confidence in product quality.

Roman Kolodiy
Roman Kolodiy
Roman Kolodiy

Tools we use

Burp Suite
Burp Suite
Kali Linux
Kali Linux
Parrot Security
Parrot Security
Our Approach

Step 1


We always start with an assessment of the existing situation and detailed preparation. The whole process and the final result depend on it. At this stage, we collect detailed information about your application, its design and architecture, network settings, etc. This meticulous approach also allows us to identify which potentially weak moons are the priority and need the most attention. TechMagic's mobile application pentesting is focused on clients, so we obtain proper authorization from you. We always adhere to ethical and legal standards.

Step 2

Penetration test

After we have collected all the critical data, our specialists start the penetration test. We conduct controlled simulations of various attack scenarios to identify potential vulnerabilities. This is where it happens: static analysis, dynamic analysis, analysis of application architecture and design vulnerabilitiesб, file system analysis, etc. We simulate attacks in the real world to understand the behavior of your mobile application in such conditions. These are thorough checks using all possible scenarios, including a root exploit.

Step 3


After the mobile app pentesting, we prepare a detailed and structured report on the attacks and the analysis results. We note and record every attack and every insight we get to understand the state of the mobile application and its security system.

Step 4

Results overview

Our clients receive a comprehensive overview of application vulnerabilities and an assessment of risks and potential consequences of their exploitation. This helps determine the next steps in improving the security system and the priority of each action. You also receive detailed recommendations from security teams and insights to prevent potential risks.

What Do You Get As A Result Of A Mobile App Penetration Test?


Test report

A test report with a comprehensive list of all detected vulnerabilities, classified by priority (critical, high, medium, low) and potential impact on your systems.


Remediation plan

We provide customers with practical guidance on how to fix their security-critical vulnerabilities and help prioritize each step.

Confirmation of testing (if necessary)

Confirmation of testing (if necessary)

It involves viruses, ransomware, spyware, and various other malicious programs that aim to damage software or steal data.

Discover What Kind Of Pentest Reports You Will Receive
Get the pentest report sample in your inbox
Get the pentest plan sample in your inbox

Why Choose TechMagic for Mobile Apps Pentesting

Tailored approach and comprehensive testing coverage

As a rule, the environment of the mobile apps is complex because they adapt to different platforms – Android, iOS, etc. In the case of hybrid mobile apps, the code is used in different environments and faces many risks. That’s why we create mobile security assessments that simulate different attack vectors and cover various potential threats. We also offer custom scenarios tailored to specific conditions, providing a holistic approach to mobile security testing and comprehensive coverage for iOS, apps on Android devices, and hybrid mobile applications. We tailor pentesting to your unique needs. Whether it's a banking application with strict security requirements or a gaming application with complex interactions, we create a tailored approach based on your specific challenges and risk factors.


Focus on OWASP’s Mobile Application Security Verification Standard (MASVS)

Each of our mobile app penetration tests follows industry practices and mobile app security standards, including OWASP MASVS.

MASVS-STORAGE is all about the secure storage of sensitive data on the device.

MASVS-RESILIENCE defines resistance to intrusion and unauthorized access.

MASVS-PRIVACY includes means of privacy protection.

MASVS-CRYPTO is all about cryptographic functions.

MASVS-AUTH defines the most compelling authentication and authorization mechanisms.

MASVS-NETWORK refers to secure network communication between a mobile application and remote endpoints.

MASVS-PLATFORM regulates interaction with the main mobile platform and other installed programs.

MASVS-CODE refers to the data and code processing method.

Adherence to such standards allows us to ensure completeness and consistency of results.

Industry expertise + advanced tools

We choose the best mobile penetration testing tools and methodologies based on

extensive expertise;

unique features of each application;

This allows us to develop unique and innovative strategies to address vulnerabilities, give you an edge over attackers, and maintain the integrity of the mobile app ecosystem.

This allows us to develop unique and innovative strategies to address vulnerabilities, give you an edge over attackers, and maintain the integrity of the mobile app ecosystem.

What is mobile application pentesting?

Mobile application pen testing is a way to comprehensively assess a mobile app's security by simulating real-world attacks. It is a manual process that allows you to delve into an application's security details, uncovering non-obvious vulnerabilities and potential entry points that attackers can exploit. This is a proactive approach to the cyber security posture of mobile applications in general and preventive protection in particular.

Why is mobile app pentesting important?

Here are only the main reasons for implementing mobile app pentesting practices.
  • It proactively uncovers vulnerabilities and weaknesses in mobile applications, allowing you to address them before malicious actors exploit them.
  • Mobile apps often handle sensitive user data, including financial details and authentication credentials. Penetration testing helps to find the most efficient way to protect these data from unauthorized access and theft.
  • Every security breach in a mobile app leads to significant financial and reputational damage. Penetration testing helps us prevent such breaches and shows your clients your commitment to data security.
  • Regular pentesting can help you meet industry standards and regulatory requirements such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI DSS.
  • It helps to enhance overall security posture thanks to timely identification and remediation of vulnerabilities.
What types of vulnerabilities can it uncover?

Here is only the short list of vulnerabilities mobile pentesting uncovers.
  • insecure data storage;
  • weak encryption;
  • inadequate authentication mechanisms;
  • injection flaws SQL injection or command injection, for instance;
  • cross-site scripting (XSS);
  • insecure network communication;
  • insufficient access controls;
  • improper session management.
How often should mobile application security assessment and pentesting be performed?

The frequency of mobile app security pentesting depends on the individual aspects of your business and application. We determine it based on current mobile app security, application complexity, update frequency, industry standards and regulations, and changes in the mobile app security landscape. A common practice is to conduct pentesting quarterly or annually. It is also good to do this after major updates, new features, program or security environment changes.

Is mobile app pentesting compliant with industry regulations?

Yes, app penetration testing is compliant with industry regulations. Moreover, it helps you fulfill requirements and regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, and others, which often mandate, mobile app security testing and assessments.

How long does a typical engagement take?

Both the frequency and duration of a typical engagement for mobile application penetration testing directly depend on your app's complexity, testing scope, and methodologies. However, engagement duration often ranges from a few days to several weeks. Broader assessments can potentially take up to several months for comprehensive testing and remediation. For more accurate information, contact us. We will help determine engagement duration based on your business's unique needs.

What deliverables can I expect?

You can expect various deliverables tailored to your needs and the scope of the assessment. Typically, the list includes
  • An overview of the findings, including key vulnerabilities, risks, and recommendations (non-technical language for stakeholders).
  • A comprehensive and detailed report on identified vulnerabilities, their severity, potential impact, and recommended remediation steps (technical details for developers and IT teams).
  • Structured vulnerability assessment matrix with vulnerabilities, categorized by severity level, likelihood of exploitation, and potential impact.
  • Recommendations and best practices for addressing identified vulnerabilities, including prioritization based on risk level and step-by-step instructions for remediation.
  • Depending on the engagement terms, you may receive ongoing support from the testing team.
Are automated tools or manual testers used?

In most cases, penetration testers use manual methods to detect complex vulnerabilities that automated tools may miss. It also brings human experience and creativity to the process. This is how pentesters discover more subtle security and design flaws or business logic vulnerabilities that automated tools skip. Automated tools can be involved in individual processes such as dynamic and vulnerability scanning. They are more suitable for detecting basic flaws and general security assessments. However, for more accurate and in-depth work, pentesters should perform manual evaluations.

Will testing disrupt my app's availability?

We plan testing activities to minimize interruptions in your application's availability. However, the process may have some temporary impact, especially for using dynamic analysis tools or runtime testing. As pentesters simulate attacks, send crafted requests, or interact with the application, they may affect its normal operation. We design our process to mitigate potential failures. This can include scheduling tests for off-peak hours or times of low user activity. We also coordinate any planned testing activities and communicate them with you to minimize the impact on users.

How do I get started with app penetration testing?

You can contact us to discuss the security testing details. We are happy to answer all your questions about the process and help you choose the best penetration testing plan for your mobile app. Our team of top security experts will help you navigate this path easily and get tangible results.

Let’s safeguard your project
Ross Kurhanskyilinkedin
Ross Kurhanskyi
VP of business development