
Empowering Innovation Together: TechMagic Celebrates 9 Years

Oleg Dats

Co-Founder & CEO at TechMagic. Leading a full-stack development company that scales engineering teams and builds software products from scratch. Passionate about AI and innovations.

Empowering Innovation Together: TechMagic Celebrates 9 Years

9 years ago started the journey of a software product development company - TechMagic.

Through the years, we confidently stick to our values in helping startups, established organizations, and enterprises with the digital transformation of their projects. This year, we do our best to enhance our existing services and expertise with new directories and become a software product development company.

We got bigger

Despite the challenging market situation, we managed not only to keep our team but become bigger. TechMagic acquired Dynamo Development - expanding its markets and tech stack.

Shared values and work approach allow us to become stronger as one unit.

FinTech expertise in its prime

Acquiring Dynamo also boosted our FinTech direction. We’ve enforced it with the dedicated director - David Grinberg (former Vice President at Goldman Sachs, CTO of Dynamo Development). David’s expertise and experience perfectly fit in with ours, making our Fintech development team stronger than ever. Now among our FinTech services, you can notice:

The rise of new competencies: AI and Data Engineering

FinTech direction was not the only one getting bigger for the previous year. We’ve launched new services, including data engineering, and expended skills in prompt engineering, adding to our portfolio AI-based project Wendy. It’s a unique solution that helps streamline recruitment, providing assistance, analysis, and candidate assessments.

  • TechMagic boosted up web app development services with a new tech stack: PHP, Java, .Net, and Python development.
  • Talking about the cloud directory - we’ve expanded here also. Previously our main focus was on AWS, but as our expertise with GCP and Azure gradually grew, it was just natural to offer it as an individual service.

More security services for all

We’re able to offer more to our clients in the area of software security testing. Now we provide our clients:

This is a new addition to our services, born from the acquired expertise and clients’ needs. Now you may reach us to prepare your company to meet ISO and SOC2 security standards.

Achievements and certifications

As always, we’ve put efforts into upgrading our skills, creating a highly-motivated community, and expanding our presence to new markets.

To highlight previous years main “checkpoints” we’ll list the next:

Moreover, our dedicated work was recognized too:

Social responsibility

Despite the tough times in our country and the worldwide IT market, we have already fundraised 12,8 million UAH for the Armed Forces of Ukraine to bring the victory closer. In dedication to the company’s anniversary, TechMagic founders donated 1 million UAH to "Azov." to support brave soldiers who put their lives on the front line defending the independence and sovereignty of Ukraine. We’re grateful for all the Ukrainian men and women who fought through generations and are still fighting for our homeland.

Let’s rock the digital transformation

Summing up this eventful year for our company, we continue leading the industry with our expertise and experience letting our clients focus on the business while we do what we do best - high-quality software development.

Thank you to all our employees and clients for these amazing years together. There is more to come as we continue our journey of expertise and growth.

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