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Banking software development services

Access technical knowledge and expertise in the banking domain. Work with professionals experienced in your industry that adhere to best practices and deliver secure, reliable, and compliant banking software solutions.

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Digital banking development services we offer:
Core banking systems
Core banking systems

We build a secure, and scalable software solution for core banking systems that forms the backbone of your operations, supports growth, and enables excellent customer service. Systems to support end-to-end banking operations, including customer onboarding, account management, transaction processing, loan management, risk management, compliance monitoring, reporting, and analytics.

Digital banking portals
Digital banking portals

Our experts in digital banking portals development build scalable platforms, enabled to handle increasing user loads and transaction volumes. We implement modular architectures, facilitating future enhancements and seamless integration with other systems and financial software, such as core banking systems, payment gateways, and third-party services.

Mobile banking apps
Mobile banking apps

Get an intuitive and user-friendly mobile banking application with seamless navigation and efficient access to banking services. Our experts incorporate responsive design, ensuring compatibility across different smartphones and screen sizes, enhancing convenience for customers, and providing all needed functionality and security.

Banking CRM
Banking CRM

Get tailored to your goals solution able to enhance customer satisfaction, drive customer loyalty, increase sales effectiveness, and improve overall operational efficiency while delivering personalized experiences and finding cross-selling and upselling opportunities. Banking software development services ensure financial organizations achieve their business goals while enhancing business processes with technology expertise.

Lending software solutions
Lending software solutions

Streamline the lending process with a robust and secure solution. Automate loan origination, underwriting, document management, and borrower communication. We build solutions that integrate with credit bureaus, automate risk assessment, ensure compliance, and offer personalized loan products to your clients. Meanwhile, you’re provided with comprehensive analytics and reporting

Custom Solutions Development
Custom Solutions Development

During digital banking development, we create banking systems with API-first features, CRM migration, mobile banking solutions, client acquisition, business process automation, and customer scoring. TechMagic aims to meet the expanding market and client’s needs. Custom banking solutions, asset management, loan origination systems, innovative solutions for trading operations and capital markets - you name it, we can build banking software with a user-friendly interface capable of covering any service you would like to offer to your customers.

Legacy code re-mastering/support
Legacy code re-mastering/support

We master legacy code, identifying what to change and test, breaking the dependencies, testing and eventually modifying and fixing bugs. We enhance the code base without any breaks in delivering value for digital banking customers. =Or we could maintain what you have, ensuring it runs smoothly and meets all industry standards, while your preparing yourself for the digital transformation.

Core banking systems
Digital banking portals
Mobile banking apps
Banking CRM
Lending software solutions
Custom Solutions Development
Legacy code re-mastering/support
Industry recognition
Industry recognition 1
Industry recognition 2
Industry recognition 3
Industry recognition 4
Industry recognition 5
Industry recognition 6
One of our featured cases as financial software development company
TechMagic helped Bamboo to get a 700% increase in active users due to new features
TechMagic helped Bamboo to get a 700% increase in active users due to new features

Multiregional micro-investing app with its own token and reward system.

Case study
Blake Cassidyicon

Thanks to TechMagic, we were able to experience a 700% increase in Bamboo active users due to the new features and capabilities they added

Blake Cassidy

Chief Executive Officer at Bamboo


Join our 200+ satisfied clients

and leverage our industry-leading expertise to stay ahead of the curve in the fast-moving digital landscape!

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As a banking software development company, TechMagic builds secure digital banking solutions

We build apps adhering to these data security standards to ensure the protection of sensitive customer information, prevent unauthorized access, and maintain trust in the banking app. We regularly assess and update security measures to adapt to evolving threats and comply with the latest industry regulations, including the following:


Digital Banking Trends

Downloadable piece with the hottest trends in digital banking. Plan your next fintech innovation knowing where the market's going.

Integrations we build within financial software development services

We build various integrations, depending on your business needs and geolocation. The most frequently requested are:


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Advantages of custom financial software development for the banking and finance industry

Custom software development services offer the banking and finance industry a tailored approach to address specific challenges, improve operational efficiency, improve core banking systems, and stay ahead of regulatory requirements, ultimately contributing to sustained growth and competitiveness.

Enhanced security

Enhanced security

Custom financial software allows for the implementation of robust security measures tailored to the specific needs of the banking and finance sector. Advanced encryption, secure authentication, and authorization protocols can be integrated to safeguard sensitive financial data.

Compliance with regulations

Compliance with regulations

Custom software can be designed to comply with the ever-evolving regulatory compliance landscape in the finance industry. Adaptable solutions ensure that the software aligns with industry standards, legal requirements, and data protection regulations.



Banking and finance institutions often experience changes in scale due to business growth or evolving market conditions. Custom software can be easily scaled to accommodate increased data volumes, transaction loads, and additional functionalities without compromising the performance of banking solutions.

Tailored functionality

Tailored functionality

Custom solutions are designed to meet the unique needs and workflows of financial institutions while providing a seamless customer experience. Specific features such as risk management tools, compliance tracking, and personalized customer interfaces can be integrated to enhance operational efficiency.

Integration capabilities

Integration capabilities

Custom software can seamlessly integrate with existing systems and third-party applications. This ensures a cohesive technology ecosystem, enabling smooth data flow and communication between different departments and systems.

Increased efficiency and automation

Increased efficiency and automation

Automation of repetitive and time-consuming tasks can significantly improve operational efficiency. Custom software allows for the development of automated workflows, reducing manual errors and accelerating processes like account management, loan processing, and reporting.

Improved customer experience

Improved customer experience

Tailored software solutions can lead to a more user-friendly and personalized experience for customers. Enhanced interfaces, personalized dashboards, and responsive design contribute to a positive customer journey.

Real-time analytics and reporting

Real-time analytics and reporting

Custom solutions can include advanced analytics and reporting tools, providing real-time insights into financial data. Decision-makers can access accurate information promptly, enabling faster and more informed decision-making.

Cost-effectiveness in the long run

Cost-effectiveness in the long run

While the initial investment in custom software development may be higher, the long-term cost-effectiveness is notable. Custom solutions reduce reliance on multiple off-the-shelf applications, decreasing licensing fees and maintenance costs over time.

Continuous support and maintenance:

Continuous support and maintenance:

Our custom software development services include ongoing support and maintenance. This ensures that the software remains up-to-date, secure, and compatible with evolving technologies.

Our cooperation models for legacy app modernization services
Dedicated Team

Immerse yourself in the synergy of our dedicated team model, offering an exclusive assembly of experts wholly devoted to propelling your digital solutions to success. Revel in the adaptability to scale your development team according to project demands, foster transparent communication, and retain direct oversight of the development process. Through a shared vision and perpetual collaboration, your project thrives with a committed workforce striving efficiently towards milestones.

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Fixed Price

Embrace assurance in your project's financials and delivery timeline through our fixed price model. We furnish a comprehensive project plan, an array of services, and a predetermined budget, ensuring clarity and eliminating financial surprises. Ideal for well-defined software development projects with precise specifications, this model guarantees that your project, from inception to fruition, will be delivered punctually, within the agreed-upon scope, and the stipulated budget.

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R&D Center

Forge a partnership with us to establish a dedicated R&D center functioning as an extension of your team. This model grants access to a reservoir of adept fintech software developers, cutting-edge infrastructure, and a collaborative workspace. Drive sustained innovation, stay at the forefront of industry trends, and nurture enduring growth through a strategic R&D partnership with a financial software development company.

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When is TechMagic a fit VS, not a fit for financial software development?
TechMagic is your choice when:
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You’re looking for a reliable tech partner with expertise in the banking domain and building finance software

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You’re eager to build a unique solution leveraging the experience of the CTO of an American bank

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You might need architect-level advisory from the vendor side

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You care about application security and financial compliance

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You’re ready to find out how TechMagic follows a mature engineering process

Not a fit:
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You don’t have technical decision-makers on your side like CTO or VP of Engineering

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You want to get a finished product within a couple of weeks

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You want to jump into development without working on MVP first

Ready to build or improve your digital banking solution?

Use our experience in your domain to create scalable and secure software

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We provide a full cycle of banking software development:

Discovery and prototyping
Discovery and prototyping of banking software

At TechMagic, we fill the gap between the business concept of a project and technical realization with a discovery phase. Our team defines costs and technical requirements and designs a wireframe roadmap with detailed feature-based estimation for prototyping of digital bank app.

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Web and mobile development
Scalable and robust web and mobile banking applications

We cover full-cycle mobile and web development processes considering the latest technologies and development stack based on your business needs. With expert developers, create reliable, fast, and lightweight digital banking.

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UX/UI Design
UX/UI design for easy-to-use banking software

Our UI/UX designers enhance user experience, providing your project's user interface with the utmost simplicity and usability. We are familiar with your industry's roadmap and potential pitfalls during the end-user lifecycle.

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DevOps services
Best practices for continuous deployment and optimization

Providing digital banking development services, TechMagic DevOps determine a strategy that drives continuous delivery, runs the tools needed, and deploys automation, a configured environment in the cloud or on-premise, to reduce downtime and streamline workflows.

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Quality assurance
Test automation services that reduce the risk factor

To deliver consistent results and set top-notch software quality standards, we perform ongoing testing. Our QA experts prevent defects and bugs in web and mobile apps.

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Security services
Data protection ensured compliance and penetration testing

Our security specialists strengthen your cyber defense with security measures in each stage of the deployment or development of digital banking applications. We conduct vulnerability assessments and more.

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Can you build an MVP for a digital bank?

Sure. Our team has extensive experience in developing cutting-edge solutions for the fintech industry, including digital banking platforms. With years of development experience in the banking industry, we understand the unique requirements of a digital bank and can assist in building a robust MVP that showcases the essential features and functionality of your envisioned platform. Our architect-level experts will collaborate closely with you to understand your specific needs and design a scalable and secure digital banking solution.

How much control do I have over the development team?

You have full control over the development process and team. Your decision regarding any team member is final, starting from hiring a new person, to giving notice. We don’t hide anyone behind the manager's back. You can communicate with anyone you directly and be involved in the process as much as you need.

Do you have experience developing similar solutions?

Yes, we have an extensive experience with digital banking. To gain deeper insights into our capabilities, we invite you to engage in discussions with our team. During these, we will be pleased to provide you with comprehensive information regarding our past projects. It is important to note that while we are committed to sharing our relevant expertise, certain projects may be subject to non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and confidentiality obligations.

How fast can you build a new banking system?

Building a new banking system is a complex and multifaceted endeavor that requires careful planning, significant resources, and adherence to strict regulatory and security standards. The speed at which a new banking system can be developed and deployed depends on various factors, including the scope of the project, the technology stack chosen, the regulatory environment, and the availability of skilled resources. it's difficult to provide a specific timeline without knowing the exact requirements of the new banking system. In some cases, a basic digital banking platform could be developed and launched within a year or less, while a more comprehensive system might take several years. It's crucial to engage with experienced professionals, conduct a detailed feasibility study, and create a well-defined project plan to estimate the development timeline accurately. Moreover, considering the dynamic nature of the banking industry and evolving technology, continuous improvement and updates will be necessary even after the initial launch.