
TechMagic Business Continuity Update

Oleg Dats

Co-Founder & CEO at TechMagic. Leading a full-stack development company that scales engineering teams and builds software products from scratch. Passionate about AI and innovations.

TechMagic Business Continuity Update

From the first day of the full-scale war, TechMagic has been actively working in three directions: business continuity, providing safe working and living conditions for employees, and active support to the army, territorial defense, and people from all over the country coming to our city.

I will tell you more about each area in more detail in the sincere hope of sharing experiences and practices for one significant result.

Business Continuity

Business continuity has become our number one priority for several reasons. First of all, we donate one hundred percent of TechMagic net income to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

How Ukrainian development company works during the war

Secondly, we pay salaries on time according to contracts. Moreover, after the invasion, all people in the company received pre-payments to assure they and their families could be more prepared for whatever could happen.

The third big reason — is the commitment towards our clients and partners. After assuring safe working conditions to the team, we continue to provide services following all signed contracts.


Almost all our employees are now located in the west of Ukraine, nearly 30 people — abroad. We helped those from the central and eastern parts of the country to make their way to Lviv, and found accommodations for them.

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We support employees in their desire to move abroad, notably financially and logistically. This option has been open since the very first day, and our HR team provides all the necessary assistance to those willing to move and their families.

Four TechMagic employees were called for military service. Some others joined the territorial defense. The company helps purchase the equipment and all the necessary tools for their effective and safe service.

As of today, 95% of all employees work in the same mode as before the invasion. Moreover, after February 24, 17 more magic people joined us. We continue to hire and have open vacancies.


A telling indicator was that 100% of our clients stayed with us; no one decided to stop working or even slow down. We always focus and rely on strategic partnerships and look not only for an interesting project to work on but for the best partners to build strong business relationships. Here is the result.

Support Ukraine - hire Ukrainian developers

Clients have expressed their support since the first day and until now. I can't thank you enough for all the emails and social media posts showing your position and bringing attention to what's going on in our country. And in fact, the primary indicator of the desire to support Ukraine now is continued cooperation with Ukrainian companies.

Company Donations

As it's been mentioned above, 100% of the net income the company donates to the Armed Forces, and all employees receive salaries on time and in full.

The company also works with several volunteer initiatives; helps financially and logistically, donates equipment, laptops for example.

Donate to Ukraine

I want to single out the work of our non-technical departments, which turned into a volunteer center in the first hours of February 24. Our employees have covered and continue to cover several areas. In particular, we purchase equipment and other necessary items and hand them over directly to the military. We also buy medicines, hygiene products, and other necessities for displaced people.

Some employees run a shelter with all the organizational and logistical issues related to this.

We are constantly making camouflage nets essential for the military, and there is always a need for them. By the way, the process itself is meditative, even therapeutic — helps keep hands busy and take it easy. While living in constant anxiety, this turned out to be a good thing for mental health.

Speaking of mental health, the company has a Healthcare package that allows employees to have a free session with a psychologist or psychotherapist. For TechMagic and all interested, we organized a meeting with the psychologist, who answered numerous questions concerning people these days and shared valuable techniques for dealing with fear, panic, and anger, and told about some coping mechanisms. The recording of the lecture is available at the following link.

We plan to continue to support our country and its Armed Forces. First of all, by continuing to work and paying taxes and salaries. Employees continue to volunteer actively.

For all those willing to help, I add a link to the page with all the information needed: Stand with Ukraine!

To Sum Up

Those were challenging forty days, to say the least. But we continued to work, develop our business, and support the army, each other, and those who need it. A lot of work has been done; a lot is waiting. With the support of our partners and clients, we are on track. Thank you to all the people who are TechMagic. I never tire of seeing how active and determined you are, ready to work as one mechanism.

Glory to Ukraine!

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