
Top 10 Firebase Alternatives to Boost Your App's Performance

Artem Arkhipov

Web Expert at Techmagic, full-stack developer, coach and speaker. Passionate about JavaScript, Cloud Computing and Serverless.

Top 10 Firebase Alternatives to Boost Your App's Performance

From the moment that Google acquired Firebase in 2014, it has been the go-to BaaS tool for businesses wanting to build, release and manage web applications. But like any software solution, it has its downsides and limitations.

Here, we will first take a look at Firebase, including its pros and cons. Then we will run through some of the most popular alternatives you might wish to consider.

What is Firebase?

Firebase is a Google-backed back-end application development platform that enables developers to develop mobile and web apps. The Firebase platform provides a range of tools for tracking analytics, reporting and fixing app crashes, and creating marketing and product experiments.

Being part of the Google suite means several services are bundled into Firebase, including:

  • Analytics
  • Authentication
  • Performance Monitoring
  • Crashlytics
  • Cloud messaging
  • Real-time database
  • Test lab

Firebase sets out to provide a means by which developers can build an app quickly, release it, monitor it, and engage users. The platform automatically delivers access to services they would otherwise have to develop themselves, leaving them free to concentrate on delivering robust application experiences to their customers.

Services are cloud-hosted so that scaling can be performed on demand. Overall, there is a lot to like about Firebase, and it is one of the top-rated app development platforms in the world. That’s not to say it is without its downsides.

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Why Look For Firebase Alternatives?

Firebase is not open source, which is a factor that might instantly rule it out among some developers. Just as big an issue in some eyes is vendor lock-in. Firebase means you are joined at the hip with Google, and for larger apps in particular, moving out to some other platform will necessitate complete rebuilding of the back end.

Firebase has two database options, both of which offer a NoSQL structure:

  • Firestore
  • Firebase Realtime Database

There is no option to use a relational database. This has various consequences that could be problematic for some users. For example, complex queries are, for want of a better word, complex. Firebase can handle them, but putting them together is less than intuitive and certainly not easy for a novice. Also, the NoSQL structure makes data migration slower and more arduous than many would expect.

Firebase is very popular and is the go-to for thousands of users. But we can see from the above that it is not without its negative points, so users or potential users must consider the alternatives out there. No two businesses have identical needs.

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Is Firebase Good For FinTech?

Nothing is more important than data integrity and security for a business involved in FinTech software development services. As well as being fundamental to client trust, there are also plenty of regulations that have to be met.

Firebase certainly makes sense for a FinTech business from that perspective. Let’s be clear on this, if you are going to trust anyone to keep your and your customer’s data secure, Google is probably as safe a call as you can make. The company has whole teams of online security engineers dedicated to protecting sensitive data and ensuring compliance with the most stringent regulations.

So the point is that if you work within the Google ecosystem, data security in your wealth management firm software is something you don’t have to worry about and you can instead focus on core business activities.

Of course, there are still settings at the user end to consider to ensure that user permissions are properly set up with sensitive data only accessible to those who need it.

Top 10 Firebase Alternatives

firebase competitors - what are alternatives to firebase

Despite the size and influence of companies like Google, Amazon and Microsoft, this is an age of choice, and we are not compelled to use them or limited to their services as was so often the case in the early days of the internet. There are a dozen viable alternatives to Firebase, each with pros and cons.

Here, we set forth the 10 most popular. These are not in any particular order and are purely curated on the basis of overall popularity.


Probably the best-known alternative to Firebase, Parse is open-source, it’s free and reasonably intuitive to use. You can run it on any cloud or even host it on your server, so it is highly flexible. Add all these things together and you can understand why it is such a popular choice for developing applications on a budget. It has also been around long enough to garner a knowledgeable and friendly developer community, so support and troubleshooting assistance are never far away.

The spreadsheet-style database is unthreatening and will appeal to those who are not experts; it is very easy to use. Data modeling does not come easier than this. The downside is that you are stuck with SQL and NoSQL databases, and cloud code functions are restricted to JavaScript.


Another popular choice and one that is built on the Parse platform but with the option of a fully managed service. It is marketed as a low-code alternative to Firebase. There is no vendor lock-in, complex relational queries are easy and the pricing is reasonable, even if you go fully serviced. It facilitates rapid backend development, improves development productivity, means reduced time to market and gives you the power to scale applications with ease.


Here’s another open-source alternative that has already gathered a loyal following since its launch in 2020. Developers using Supabase say they can build a backend from scratch within two minutes. You can either self-host or put it on the Supabase cloud.

The platform supports multiple popular technologies like Angular, Flutter, Vue, React. You can also import a CSV file or simply paste spreadsheet data, so it is very easy to get started.

Don’t be put off because it only launched in 2020, Supabase has a large and active developer community out there, so support is no issue. Supabbase is free on a small scale, with paid monthly plans starting at $25.

Note that Supabase only supports PostgreSQL databases, at least for now, so it will not be appropriate if you use other database systems.


This visual application development platform is different to Supabase in every way. It has been around since 2012, so it is certainly tried and tested, and we can say it was one of the pioneers of BaaS.

Developers can use Backendless to create various mobile and web apps. Being a visual app builder, the process is fast and intuitive for payment app development and similar tasks. The ability to build codeless logic is this application’s real strength, although it does not have as many features as Firebase.

Free and trial versions are available, with fully supported paid versions starting at a $25 flat fee.


Kuzzle is an open-source solution that claims to reduce the time to market for your new app by as much as 40 percent. It features real-time query response, a database, a search engine, a security layer, and plugins.

It is free to download, but if you want to use the support plans, be ready to pay as these start at $500 per month and go up from there.


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Another open source alternative, but this one uses GraphQL API so it is super fast. It is quite different from Firebase and the other database-centric solutions we examine here, as GraphQL can connect to multiple external databases.

The result is speed, agility, and versatility. It has captured the hearts and minds of some serious companies and boasts names like Walmart and BBVA on its client list, so while this solution is a relatively new one, it definitely looks like we will be hearing a lot more about it in the coming years.

AWS Amplify

This is Amazon's alternative to Firebase. It provides a quick, slick way of producing apps faster. Like the Google solution, it comes embedded in its own ecosystem, so it also integrates with services and platforms like DynamoDB, Appsync, Lambda, Cognito, and the rest.

If you have used other AWS products, you know what to expect, and if you are comfortable with them, it is probably a good choice. Amplify is free, but you will have to pay for services you then use when building and deploying your app. So, for example, if you use S3 for storage, you will be charged the standard fees.

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Here’s a new solution that could be of interest if open source, self-hosting and complex app creation are all on your list. It also has the benefit of being absolutely free. It provides developers with a set of REST APIs that are straightforward to use when managing their basic backend needs.

Appwrite can trigger the usual apprehension associated with relatively new open-source applications, but this one has a solid community around it. Also, more than 28k stars on Github tell their own story.

MongoDB Realm

MongoDB Realm delivers a collection of fully-managed application development services that make it easier to build high-quality apps. Realm provides an easy way to quickly stand-up apps that work offline and to sync data across multiple devices or users, as well as the backend.

Several useful services are included, such as edge-to-cloud data sync, instant GraphQL, functions, triggers, and various others. It is open source in the full sense of the term, so nothing to pay for and no licenses to worry about.


Last, but not least, Deployd provides a means for quick and easy deployment of apps through a user-friendly four-step process. It allows you to design and test the API locally before distributing it. This significantly streamlines the whole process of API creation and deployment. Deployd is another open-source solution that provides access to custom resources and event scripts.

Why You Might Consider Using a Firebase Alternative

Firebase is a powerful platform provided by the biggest name in online technology, so it naturally has much going for it. However, as we have seen, some excellent alternatives do a very similar job, and some score higher than Firebase in certain areas.

Here are some factors that might drive you to at least look at the world beyond Firebase.

  • More hosting options - Firebase is cloud-based, so it is Google Cloud or nothing. Many of the alternatives we looked at are open source, and you can store them anywhere, either on your local server or using another cloud solution.
  • Easy access - Open source alternatives are free to download and publicly accessible; you won’t need a license.
  • Don’t get locked in - Once you are sucked into the Google world of Firebase, it’s quite awkward to get out again. With most of the alternatives, although not all, vendor lock-in is not an issue.
  • Open source implies continuous improvement - These solutions are forever being reviewed and enhanced by the most skilled people in the business.  A Firebase alternative with an open-source framework will be reviewed regularly to ensure it meets the security standards. Plus, you get free and unfettered access to the best in the business, who will be at the forefront of making improvements and can often access various bug fixes and other improvements to benefit your application.
  • More intuitive UX - Let’s be plain about it, coding and app development isn’t the most edifying experience with Firebase. Most open-source platforms make the process of editing code a much faster one.
  • Increased scalability - Open source alternatives to Firebase are more scalable for a growing company. By switching to an open-source Firebase alternative, you can achieve greater flexibility. Additionally, you can access more support for stability, helping you grow your application.


Although Firebase is a popular option, it's not the only one available. It is hard to beat if you build mobile or web apps that demand real-time synchronization, data storage, and user authentication. By all means, explore the various open-source alternatives, but you will likely conclude that they don't meet your requirements and that Firebase is the best choice.

However, suppose your business needs are a little less demanding. In that case, you may also discover other options to achieve what you need without compromising quality and potentially at a lower cost.


  1. Why should I choose Firebase?

    Firebase is one of the best tools for businesses to grow their user bases and increase their profits through mobile apps. Powered by Google, it integrates effortlessly with their related services

  2. How much does Firebase cost?

    Firebase offers a no-cost tier. You might need to upgrade to a paid plan depending on your usage. Costs depend on usage.

  3. When should you use Firebase?

    Firebase is a good choice if you enjoy working in the Google ecosystem and are not insistent on using open-source platforms and tools. Firebase is good for building modern web and mobile applications that require real-time data synchronization, user authentication, serverless computing, fast and secure hosting, and advanced analytics.

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