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How to Build AI Recruiting Tools: Real-Life Cases

Anton Lukianchenko
Senior Web Engineer, AI advocate, coach and speaker, member of the CoE.
How to Build AI Recruiting Tools: Real-Life Cases

Many companies are missing out on top talent due to outdated hiring practices. They may wonder: How to recruit the best candidates quickly and efficiently?

Traditional methods of recruitment are quite effective, but they often face the problem of being overwhelmed by a huge number of applicants. Thus, the demand for fast, data-led AI recruiting tools is high.

This article offers a detailed guide on building AI tools for recruiting, with real-life case studies and insights from TechMagic's experience developing projects like C-Me and Wendy.

Let's start with understanding AI recruiting tools!

Understanding AI Recruiting Tools

AI recruiting tools are AI recruiting software applications that rely on machine learning, natural language processing, and data analytics to optimize recruitment processes.

From 2020 to 2023, the AI recruitment industry grew by over 64.45%. Industry professionals anticipate the AI recruitment market to hit $1.12 billion by the end of 2030. This fact emphasizes the increasing demand for AI development in the industry.

AI Recruitment Industry Market

The main goals of AI recruiting tools are to:

  • Automate monotonous tasks
  • Reduce time-to-hire
  • Provide fast feedback and updates to candidates
  • Streamline the application and interview processes
  • Enable broader reach and targeted recruitment

Let’s explore how exactly AI tools are used in the recruitment sphere!

How AI Is Used in Recruiting: Key Functionalities of AI Recruiting Tools

As of 2024, McKinsey concludes that 60% of organizations implement AI tools for managing talent. Here are the key functionalities of AI recruiting tools:

Resume screening

AI tools extract relevant information from resumes (such as skills, experience, and education) and then rank candidates based on predefined criteria, which reduces manual effort for recruiting teams.

Candidate matching

AI algorithms match candidates' skills and experiences with job descriptions. Thus, it can identify the best suitable candidates in a few seconds. Predictive analytics can give insights into which candidates are likely to be the best choice based on historical data.

Interview scheduling

The interview scheduling option synchronizes candidates' and recruiters' calendars. It automatically coordinates interviews by finding mutually convenient times for candidates and hiring managers. Candidates can usually select their preferred interview times, which improves the candidate experience.

Video interviews and AI-driven assessments

AI recruiting tools can help with conducting interviews remotely and providing automated assessments. They perform online assessments to evaluate candidates' skills and competencies. AI-powered tools analyze candidate responses during interviews and estimate their communication and problem-solving abilities.

TechMagic's AI experts implemented advanced tools for video analysis, AI, and NLP technologies into the C-Me platform to deliver all-encompassing feedback to users. Keep reading to find out more about our real-experience project, C-Me – a video-first hiring platform supported by AI tools.

Chatbots/virtual assistants

Chatbots engage with candidates for initial communication, FAQ handling, and application tracking. Virtual assistants usually provide information, answer questions, or help with scheduling interviews and delivering feedback. Below, we have described our experience in developing Wendy, an AI-driven recruitment assistant, in detail. Keep reading to explore our insights.

AI in recruiting: Key Functionalities of AI Recruiting Tools

Let's compare the traditional vs. AI recruiting process.

Have a look at the table!


Traditional Recruiting Process

AI-Powered Recruiting Process

Resume screening

Manual review of resumes

Automated screening with AI

Candidate matching

Based on recruiter's judgment

AI-driven, data-based matching

Interview scheduling

Recruiting teams manually schedule

Automated interview coordination

Candidate communication

Email or phone calls by hiring managers

Chatbots for instant responses


Based on recruiter’s intuition

Data-driven insights from AI


Longer due to manual tasks

Shorter through process automation

Here are the statistics on how AI is used in HR processes:

Benefits of AI Recruiting Tools

So, why should you use AI recruiting tools? Let’s explore their benefits. A modern recruitment strategy must include using of AI tools for recruiting, as they:

Save your time

AI tools for recruiting automate tedious tasks, which significantly saves time. In large companies, AI tools can reduce time-to-hire by a large percentage. According to Deloitte Human Capital Trends 2023, organizations that use AI-driven tools in their hiring processes have a minimum 30% decrease in time-to-hire.

Wendy, an AI-driven chatbot built by TechMagic, facilitates the recruitment process by discovering the most suitable resumes from the entire pool. Wendy assists recruiters during interviews, analyzes soft skills, and evaluates candidates according to predefined criteria.

Save your money

The use of AI tools reduces the need to perform manual tasks and shortens the hiring process. This decreases overall recruitment expenses. AI also helps decrease the need for additional staffing in the HR department. AI tools can identify higher-quality candidates, which lowers the cost of turnover and recruitment in a long-term perspective.

Benefits of AI Recruiting Tools

Improve candidate experience

AI tools improve the candidate journey as they provide immediate responses to inquiries, custom recommendations, and transparent feedback loops. Wendy, the AI-powered chatbot developed by TechMagic, empowers a candidate to respond with a voice message, which will be converted to text as well, which brings accessibility to the next level.

Offer better decision-making

The use of data from past hires empowers AI to foresee what candidates are likely to succeed in a role. Such a data-led approach minimizes bias and helps recruiters make more reasonable decisions. Companies that implement AI-driven matching tools usually face improvement in long-term employee retention rates.

Reduce hiring bias

AI can help remove unconscious bias from the hiring process. How does it happen? All candidates are evaluated purely on objective criteria. AI helps to reveal and diminish bias in the hiring process, which leads to a more equitable and fair selection process.

Comparison table: Benefits of AI recruiting tools vs. traditional methods


AI Recruiting Tools

Traditional Methods

Time efficiency

High (Automation)

Low (Manual)

Candidate engagement

Personalized via chatbots





Hiring bias

Reduced through objective criteria

More prone to unconscious bias


Reduced long-term

Higher due to manual labor

TechMagic's Real-Life Experience of Developing AI Recruiting Tools

TechMagic has successfully developed and implemented AI recruiting tools that address real-world recruitment challenges. Two of our outstanding projects are C-Me and Wendy. Let's discuss our real-life experience deeper!

C-Me: A video-first hiring platform supported by AI tools

Real-Life Experience How to develop an AI Recruiting Tool

What is the C-Me hiring platform used for?

C-Me is an innovative platform developed by TechMagic to revolutionize the way job seekers showcase their skills and experiences through interactive video resumes. The platform enables users to record professional video CVs and increase their chances of being chosen among other candidates. For employers, C-Me provides the opportunity to create video job postings to garner greater engagement from prospective candidates.

What were the main challenges while developing?

The primary obstacle was to develop a new, original talent acquisition platform with features of video job postings, video CVs, and virtual interview space for practicing question answering. The system was required to be driven by advanced AI video analysis tools and equipped to record videos while delivering detailed, practical feedback to users.

The feedback given with the help of AI tools had to involve identifying too-long pauses, detecting keywords that recruiters prioritize, and assessing the overall mood and atmosphere of the candidate's content. The solution also needed to be cost-effective.

For our development team, a significant hurdle was the fact that there wasn’t publicly accessible technology that would analyze videos and give adequate and consistent feedback. Available tools could not offer a complete analysis report within a single system.

Our AI development team had to brainstorm and develop novel ideas to construct a cohesive system that fulfilled the requirements of video analysis and feedback, addressing considerable technical and conceptual obstacles on the way.

How did the TechMagic team solve the challenge and develop C-Me?

To overcome all the obstacles and address technological concerns, TechMagic conducted research and started developing the project. The team relied on Agile project management, which enabled iterative development and the ongoing problem-solving process. The project aimed to integrate open-source libraries to enable in-depth video analysis.

Our development team developed AI code using several open-source libraries. They were the following:

  • AWS Transcribe (subsequently moved to OpenAi Whisper) for converting speech to text for script analysis
  • AWS Comprehend for extracting sentiment from text
  • OpenCV and DLib for detecting eye movements and engagement
  • Librosa for detecting periods of silence and categorizing pauses
  • Word Count Calculation for providing feedback on speech pace

How did the C-Me project idea appear?

Damian Williams, the founder of C-Me, got the idea of building a platform capable of addressing a clear necessity to improve the job application and interview preparation process. Conventional talent acquisition process methods were deficient in comprehensive, real-time feedback during the interview preparation. Damian William partnered with a competent team of TechMagic professionals to realize the idea and develop the C-Me platform.

What services did TechMagic provide for C-Me?

TechMagic provided such AI development services as:

  • Agile project management
  • Comprehensive platform development
  • Advanced video analysis integration
  • AI integration services
  • UI/UX design
  • Continuous support and improvement

What tech stack was used for developing the C-Me platform?

  • AWS Services: AWS Transcribe, AWS Comprehend, AWS Lambda, AWS Step Functions, AWS Elastic Transcoder, AWS S3
  • AI Tools: OpenAI Whisper, GPT-4
  • Libraries: OpenCV, DLib, Librosa, Remotion
  • Database: MongoDB Atlas
Tech Stack for Developing AI Tool

How many professionals were developing the C-Me platform?

TechMagic is honored to contribute to such a groundbreaking product. The devoted team of professionals working on the project included:

  • Project manager
  • UI/UX designer
  • Frontend developer
  • Backend developer
  • CTO
  • QA

What were the results of TechMagic AI development services working on the C-Me project?

  • Enhanced user feedback. The C-Me platform now delivers in-depth, AI-powered feedback on video job postings and CVs, elevating user performance and presentation.
  • Comprehensive analysis. Built-in tools provide a full analysis, encompassing sentiment, facial movement, and speech pattern recognition, making feedback more practical.
  • Improved user engagement. The platform's sophisticated video analysis features substantially boost user engagement and preparation efficacy.
  • Continuous improvement. Ongoing support and advancements guarantee that C-Me remains a state-of-the-art solution in the job application and interview preparation field.

Let's now find out about one more of our projects – Wendy!

Wendy: AI-powered recruitment assistant

Real-Life Experience How to develop an AI Recruiting Tool

What is Wendy used for?

Wendy is an AI-driven recruitment assistant that provides instant candidate evaluation and data analysis. TechMagic developed Wendy using an OpenAI framework. Wendy streamlines the recruitment process by identifying the most suitable CVs from the pool, aiding the recruiter during interviews, performing soft skills assessments, and evaluating candidates according to predetermined standards.

Wendy presents voice-chatting alternatives, enabling recruiters to record a message, which the Whisper AI will transcribe into text. The candidate/recruiter can reply with a voice message, which will be similarly converted into text, enhancing accessibility to new heights.

What were the main challenges while developing?

One of the time-consuming obstacles in recruitment is the initial processing of an extensive resume list and selecting the most applicable candidates according to the defined criteria. This is a routine task that we sought to optimize.

Another obstacle is supporting the overwhelming interview process for recruiters by documenting, analyzing provided data, generating interview inquiries based on CVs and prior responses, and remembering everything about candidates and their replies in job interviews.

Wendy needed to acknowledge the necessity of adjusting the assessment system and incorporating individual prompts to furnish candidates with a more individualized and tailored recruitment experience. It persistently adapts to the recruiter and the vacancy, acting as it should and taking into account precisely those criteria that are crucial in each instance.

How did the TechMagic team solve the challenge and develop Wendy?

TechMagic's experts in AI development services built a virtual assistant named Wendy. Wendy performs CV screening, sophisticated analytics, and personalized interview capabilities. Wendy utilizes automation, which facilitates candidate sourcing, process workflow development, and resume screening, thereby minimizing the manual workload of recruiters. Moreover, we integrated a voice-chatting feature, which has streamlined communication between recruiters and candidates.

To simplify the assessment process, we developed a customized assessment system that allows recruiters to create their own assessment system or use the Wendy's system. We made it possible to quantify candidate competence, enabling recruiters to make informed decisions grounded in objective data.

Wendy assists in selecting the most appropriate resumes, analyzing interview responses, and filtering out candidates who do not align with the requirements specified by the recruiter.

Technologies Used for AI HR Project Development

What services did TechMagic provide for Wendy?

Our professionals provided such AI development services as:

  • Third-party AI integration services
  • Robust backend system development
  • UI/UX design
  • Voice-chatting options implementation

What are Wendy’s unique features as an AI-driven recruiting tool?

Data analysis

Wendy meticulously collects and examines a vast amount of data to ensure that every crucial detail is considered. AI minimizes human errors, as there are no limitations to its memory capacity. Although a human ultimately makes the hiring decision, Wendy plays a vital role in organizing all information and highlighting the most significant points.

Candidate evaluation

Utilizing predetermined criteria, AI thoroughly analyzes candidate resumes and interview responses to identify the most qualified individuals for the position.


The integrated Whisper AI enables users to record voice messages, which are then transcribed into text in real-time. This feature allows individuals with hearing or visual impairments to communicate more effectively by selecting their preferred method of messaging (text, voice, or both).

Real-time assistance

Wendy actively assists in interviewing candidates by providing a predefined set of questions or suggesting additional inquiries to gather more comprehensive information and make informed decisions.

What were the project outcomes of TechMagic AI development services working on Wendy?

Despite the limited timeframe, we successfully developed a fully functional and adaptable AI-powered recruitment assistant. Following thorough testing, Wendy demonstrated its effectiveness in evaluating resumes against the specified criteria for recruiters.

Wendy carefully observes how candidates communicate during interviews, enabling it to assess their suitability for the position not only based on technical skills but also on essential interpersonal abilities.

Let’s now explore the detailed roadmap for developing an AI tool for HR processes!

Step-by-Step Guide on Building AI Recruiting Tools

In our many years of experience, we can confidently say that building an AI recruiting tool requires careful planning, a focus on objectives, and a profound understanding of both technology and recruitment needs.

To save your time, we've prepared this guide on developing an AI tool for HR processes:

Step 1: Identifying needs and goals

Firstly, analyze the certain challenges your recruitment team often faces. Are you bombarded with a huge number of resumes? Or maybe you're having a hard time finding candidates who meet the requirements of a position? Your goals might be reducing time-to-hire, improving candidate experience, or automating repeated tasks.

Step 2: Choosing the right technology

Selecting the right technology, tools, and libraries is an essential stage. Based on what your needs are, you might choose machine learning algorithms for candidate screening and matching, natural language processing tools for resume analysis, or predictive analytics to predict hiring results. Ensure the technology and chosen tools and libraries stick to your recruitment objectives and can be easily integrated into existing systems.

Step 3: Developing the tool

When you've selected the AI tech stack, tools, and libraries, it's time to integrate them into a cohesive platform. This involves developing AI code and creating a user-friendly interface that allows recruiters and candidates to interact with the AI tools seamlessly. Consider factors like ease of use, data privacy, and scalability when designing the interface.

Best practices

At this stage, make sure to:

  • Continuously refine your algorithms to ensure accurate predictions
  • Design your tool to scale as your organization grows to handle larger candidate pools
  • Ensure your AI system complies with data privacy regulations

Step 4: Testing and implementation

Before rolling out the tool, conduct thorough testing to ensure it works as intended. A phased implementation with pilot programs can help identify any issues before full deployment. Train your recruitment team on how to use the new system effectively and provide ongoing support.

Step 5: Post-implementation review

After the tool is live, monitor its performance regularly. Gather feedback from recruiters and candidates to make necessary adjustments and ensure continuous improvement.

Step-by-Step Guide on Building AI Recruiting Tools

As AI continues to progress, several key trends are emerging in the recruitment industry:


Hyper-personalization is about highly personalized experiences that resonate deeply with a customer. According to it, AI can offer increasingly custom practices for candidates, using behavioral data to recommend roles and provide more relevant job information.

Hyper-personalization is characterized by:

  • Centricity on an individual
  • Reliance on real-time data
  • Contextuality
  • Proactiveness

Advanced video interviewing

As you may see from our experience with the C-Me project, advanced video interviewing is one more evolving trend. In this trend, AI is used to analyze video interviews and assess candidate body language, tone, and content to deliver deeper insights into a candidate's suitability for a certain role.

AI-driven predictive analytics

AI-driven predictive analytics is getting more efficient. AI recruiting software applications are getting more advanced in predicting not only which candidates will perform well but also determining potential future staffing needs.

Future Trends in AI Recruiting Tools

Wrapping Up

AI recruiting software applications offer a powerful solution for modern recruitment challenges. They automate tasks, improve candidate and HR experience, and enable data-led decisions. If you follow the steps provided in the guide and learn from our real-life cases like C-Me and Wendy, your organization can successfully build and implement AI tools that reshare hiring processes.

The future of recruitment will get even more personalized, predictive, and efficient. For organizations looking to improve their AI capabilities, investing in best AI recruiting tools is a must for staying competitive. If you need a reliable partner in AI development services, choose TechMagic, as many years of experience make us true professionals.


  1. What are the key functionalities of AI recruiting tools?

    The key functionalities include resume screening, candidate matching, interview scheduling, creating job descriptions, video interviews, AI-driven assessments, and candidate relationship management functionality. Chatbots, or virtual assistants, enable initial communication, FAQ handling, initiation of communication with passive candidates, application tracking, etc.

  2. What are the key technologies involved in building AI tools for recruiting?

    AI recruiting tools rely on technologies like NLP, machine learning, data mining, and chatbots to understand and analyze job descriptions, resumes, and candidate interactions.

  3. What are the ethical considerations when developing AI tools for recruiting?

    Ethical considerations include preventing bias, protecting privacy, and ensuring transparency in AI-driven decisions.

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Ross Kurhanskyi
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